They’re included so that the IRS can figure out whether or not they’re good enough to include as real questions on future EA exams. They are pulled from the ranks of the NAEA (National Association of Enrolled Agents) and the NATP (National Association of Tax Professionals) who review and update the previous year’s questions. These in turn get reviewed by the IRS, Prometric and the entire team to ensure the questions make sense and are up-to-date. Passing the EA Exam takes time, and you’ll want to do everything you can to prepare for it, but it’s also not as grueling as the CPA Exam. There are some real benefits to becoming an EA as well, including solid job opportunities, earning potential and becoming an expert on tax matters.
Accessibility Report
EA candidates can take the IRS SEE exam from May 1 to the end of February in the following year. The IRS doesn’t use a straightforward formula to achieve this conversion from raw to scaled score. So as much as some of you would like to know, I am irs ea exam pass rate not able to tell you how exactly this is done. To recap the exam basics, the Enrolled Agent exam has 3 parts with 100 multiple-choice questions each. The difficulty level of exams can vary depending on individual perspectives and experiences.
Next Steps for Passing the Enrolled Agent Exam
However, one of the best ways to get the most bang for your buck is to purchase an EA review course like Surgent EA Exam Review to help you build a study plan. The tax year 2022 adjustments described below generally apply to tax returns filed in 2023. To prepare for this part, start by reviewing IRS resources like Publication 15 (Circular E), which covers employer responsibilities for withholding, depositing, and paying employment taxes. This part covers topics like filing status, dependents, gross income, adjustments to income, itemized deductions, and tax credits. You’ll also be tested on your knowledge of self-employment taxes and retirement plans. The IRS has no plans to increase the audit rate for households making less than $400,000.
Enrolled Agent Exam Pass Rates
- Knowing how the IRS scores the EA exam and seeing a sample score report can help you understand the high expectations of comprehension and skill the EA exam has for you.
- You can also use our free Enrolled Agent exam questions to get an idea of what the real exam questions will be like.
- Experimental questions are questions on your exam that do not count toward your score.
- Circular 230, current and prior year versions of IRS publications, forms and instructions are accessible online at
- An enrolled agent is a top tax professional, so the exam is comprehensive and challenging.
Narrow down your options, then choose the answer that seems most logical. The best answer choice is the one that most accurately responds to the question stem. Distractors are the other choices that may look right but are actually incorrect. While Enrolled Agents do perform accounting tasks, and may perform certain kinds of audits, they are limited in that they cannot express an “unqualified” type of opinion. Enrolled agents must obtain 72 hours of continuing education every three years.
For just as long, the Part 3 pass rates have been the highest, and the Part 1 pass rates the most varied. You just need to use the right EA review course for you and consistently follow your study schedule. What’s more, the nature of the major professional accounting certification exams is quite different. Take advantage of our free EA exam resources that will guide you through the process of earning your EA designation. The EA also greatly expands the number of services a tax preparer can offer to potential clients. We’ve outlined everything you need to know about the EA exam, also called the Special Enrollment Exam (SEE) to help you prepare to pass.
The IRS provides scaled scores and a score report that indicates your performance in each exam part. If you do not pass a particular part, you can retake that section separately without needing to repeat the entire exam. On the day of the exam, ensure that you arrive at the test center well-prepared. This is one way to ensure that you receive a passing score on your EA exam.
No matter what the Enrolled Agent exam pass rates are, you must do your best and take certain steps in order to pass. Additionally, if tax preparers studied for the exam in April, they probably couldn’t study very well during the rush to close the busy season. This scenario also decreases their chances of passing the EA exam.
Enrolled agent passing score
Candidates that receive a scaled score of 104 are very close to passing. Candidates with a scaled score of 45 are far from being successful. You will also receive diagnostic information to assist you with future examination preparation.
- The topics of the experimental questions cannot be known, so this breakdown accounts for the remaining 85 questions.
- Of the 100 questions, only 85 contribute to the final score, while the remaining 15 serve as experimental items and do not influence the overall score for that particular part.
- Each exam part may be taken 4 times per testing window, which runs from May 1 to the end of February.
- You may electronically apply for enrollment and make secure payment of the $140 enrollment fee at
- Finally, let’s go over the best way to reach a passing score for the SEE exam.
After you learn how your EA exam score is calculated, you can forget they exist because they ultimately don’t affect how you take your exam or how you need to prepare for it. If you take an average of all three parts, the most current Enrolled Agent exam pass rate for the past yearly window is 66%. In 2021, the EA exam faced major changes, and the pass rate average was also effected.
What’s the Enrollment Agent syllabus vs the EA exam syllabus?
EA exam pass rates vary from year to year, and they can differ between the different parts of the exam. Just like the CPA exam and other standardized tests, these IRS special enrollment exam pass rates are influenced by various factors. The EA exam is graded on a scale of 40 to 130 points, with the IRS setting the passing score at 105 points. A score of 105 or higher indicates that you possess the necessary knowledge to practice before the IRS. The average Enrolled Agent (EA) exam pass rate currently stands at 74%, remaining within its historical range of 69% to 74%.